LEGION Model Builder Help

To export a model for use with FDS

  1. Select File > Export FDS.

    The FDS Data File Wizard is displayed, open on page 1 of 4.

  2. Set File Settings:
    1. Enter a File name and click the browse button to specify a location for the file.
      Note: You will need to be able to find these files later when setting up Environment Maps in LEGION Simulator.
    2. Enter the CHID id for the file (max. 30 characters).
    3. Enter a Title for the file (max. 60 characters).
  3. Set General Settings:
    1. Enter a Grid cell size (metres).
    2. Enter a Duration (seconds).
    3. Enter a Number of frames.
    4. Specify a Database to use, or click the browse button and select the appropriate database.
    5. Enter a Default surface (the surface definition must be present in the FDS database).
  4. Click Next to move to the ‘Fire Settings’ page of the wizard.